the down part of life


portrayed as a negative, unwanted, horrible thing

but, it can actually be useful.

Its crazy to speak as the salt water merging from my eyes has a taste of despair and yet satisfaction as it leads to new ideas beaming from my mind at a faster rate than I can type them and my mind is slowly taking over my emotions as I am not able to let them be written at a rate that my fingers can keep up with. For it allows us to think, a form of philosophy , and maybe its the best kind as its coming from within and it allows us to be set free from the cell in which our bodies have contained them in; and with that said never let anyone thing that their sadness is something to shame away, however we must never dread

we shall conquer

we shall overcome

we shall be the best at anything that we desire to be

we should embrace the good and the bad times

for that’s life

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